Dorian’s Mode
Dorian’s Mode Podcast
Grounded Insight: Day 4 - Vipassanā

Grounded Insight: Day 4 - Vipassanā

Vipassanā (Mindfulness Meditation)

Vipassanā Day

What is Vipassanā Meditation?

Vipassanā, often translated as "insight meditation," is one of the most ancient forms of meditation, rooted in the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha. The word "Vipassanā" is derived from the Pali language and means "to see things as they really are." It is a meditative practice that focuses on developing insight into the true nature of reality.

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Dorian’s Mode
Dorian’s Mode Podcast
Dorian Wallace shares thoughts about music, music therapy, politics, and culture.